Parker loves you can imagine his excitement when they harvested the beans in the field next to our house. Last night he took Sean out in the field to "mourn" the fact that all the soybeans were gone for the year. They did happen to pick up a few that were left in the field and that made him feel a little better. You might have to look really hard in the picture to see Sean and was getting dark.
His fravite (favorite) thing is his pet lion who sleeps with him every night. This morning he was so funny sitting in the couch talking to the lion...then he told me that we needed to take a "cheese" (which means picture) of lion. So here is our photo shoot with Parker's fravite lion.
"Lion first mommy."
"Now I will cheese."
"Now I will give him a squeeze."
"Now I will be like a lion too."
Oh, and this is what will happen to your playdough if you make worms and holes and then smash the worms in the holes....Yeah, your guess is as good as mine on this one. When I asked Parker why he was mixing all of his playdough colors together he replied, "I am just making worms and smashing them in their holes."
Parker hasn't been napping the best for the past couple days and so all I get done during his nap is worrying...about him falling asleep, and that he will give up his nap before the baby is born and I will be a wreck, and that I need to move him downstairs to his big boy bed, but if I move him to his big bed he will just get out and play during nap time, and he really needs to be completely potty trained before the baby comes, and I need to take a shower, but it seems like a waste of time, and I need to put the clean sheets on the bed so I can finish the laundry (okay, you get the point)...and then he finally falls asleep (yes, after 2 hours of worrying) and I start to worry about him not going to sleep at night because he took his nap so late.
Why do I worry? It is just a nap!!! And I just wasted 2 hours of my life worrying!
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6-7
What if I would have spent that 2 hours praying instead of worrying? What do you worry about? I challenge you to join me in this...Everytime you start to worry about something, confess it as sin and with thanksgiving, just pray about it...
But please remember, the verse promises that God's peace will guard our hearts and minds...It does NOT promise that your child will take a long nap, or that God will finish the laundry for you and potty train your child...BUT in these things He will give you peace. May His peace be yours today. Love to you.
1 comment:
Hahaha...oh my...I crack up everytime I read this. I love when Parker makes his lion face :)
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