1. Parker helped paint his brother's room......
2. Parker got TWO dump trucks, baseball bases and a tee, a horsey that really makes noise and about 293 other things for Christmas.
3. Parker learned how to clean a goose, and loved it.
4. I am now 38 weeks, as big as a house, and I am officially "nesting" and by that I mean laying on the couch doing as little as possible until the baby arrives :)! (Sorry, no picture to document this one, you will just have to take my word.)
Christmas was great and we got to spend a lot of time with family which is always fun. Parker had all of his aunts and uncles around to harass and spoil him and he is having a hard time remembering how to play by himself. Please be praying that I go into labor within the next week...as Parker was 7 days early and weighed 8 lbs 7 ozs and I am totally unwilling to have a bigger baby than that......unless of course I have to :).....
God has really been stretching me and asking me to surrender a lot of worry and anxiety and to trust Him in all things. I have been encouraged by 1 Kings chapter 3 and Solomon's wisdom. In 1 Kings 3:5 God appears to Solomon in a dream and says, "Ask for whatever you want me to give you."
And so what does Solomon ask for? He asks God for a discerning heart. (1 Kings 3:9) And God replies in 1 Kings 3:11-12, "Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice, I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart..."
I am beginning to realize that when worries overwhelm me it is easy to pray for God to ease the pain, bring comfort, give wealth and good health and long life, but that is not a wise request.....I need to be asking God for a discerning heart and the wisdom to know what to do in every situation He brings me to.
Lord, thank you for your faithfulness....You are more than able to impart wisdom and give us the ability to discern your will in all circumstances, if that is truly what our heart desires. May we know you more everyday.
P.S. I have been attempting to change my background and it isn't working....I will try and get the happy holidays background changed soon because whenever Parker sees Christmas lights of trees still up he says "Don't they know Christmas is OVER!"
Oh Jess - I have been thinking of you daily, multiple times! In fact, I wasn't exactly sure when your due date was so I have been checking your blog and the Mary Lanning website like three times a day. Yes, I know I must sound desperate for excitement! Just really wishing I was there to see you and help if I could. Know that you are in my prayers daily and I will do whatever else I can from Ohio if you need me to!
Much Love - Monica
Jess, best wishes with the new baby coming. Parker is a doll....
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