We took Parker to Disney on Ice a couple weeks ago and he LOVED it! He sat through all 2 hours of the show and was amazed. He couldn't stop talking about Pinocchio for days after we went! We went with another family and here is Parker and his friend Hailey.
We have made Christmas cookies and learned all the lyrics to "Frosty the Snowman" (thanks to cousin Hannah and grandma Diane's great Frosty costume)...you know, learning all of the important and meaningful things about Christmas!
Yesterday we had a little Christmas party over at Great-Gram Phelps's place and the kids had so much fun. They ran up and down the halls pretending to be Prancer, Cupid, and Rudolph and sang "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" to anyone who would stop and listen.
Some days I would love to just freeze Parker and Rebekah at age 2 forever....when they play nice together and have their "deep discussions" it is too sweet for words! I am so thankful for Parker having cousins so close!
I am looking forward to the next 2 weeks and having Sean home some extra days so we can finish up some things before the baby comes and do a little relaxing as well....Hope you are enjoying the season wherever you are, and remembering the TRULY important things to celebrate this Christmas season....Thank you Lord for the gift of your Son and His sacrifice so that we may have life! Hallelujah!