Monday, September 28, 2009

Coupon Rage

I am not a coupon clipper. I know, I know....people save tons of money clipping coupons. It just isn't my thing. But when I see a really good in more than $2.00 of of something I actually use...I may, in a weak moment, clip it. Then it sits in my wallet and without fail, the day I go to use the coupon it is always 1 day expired. Seriously...are you kidding me!

So I cleaned my wallet out this morning after paying bills and discovered a $7.00 off coupon! WOW! Now a $7.00 coupon is worth heart raced with excitement as I feverishly searched for the expiration date....and it said "Use before September 30th"....I quickly looked at my calendar (since I have no idea what day, month or sometimes year it is) and it said the 28th! Boooooooyahhhhhhhhh!

I made my grocery list with excitement...I couldn't wait to use my coupon....I walked into Wal*Mart with a bounce in my step and filled my cart. As I walked to the checkout my heart swelled with hope in the fact that I had clipped a coupon, a $7.00 coupon that was not expired, and was about to successfully use it!

Mrs. Coupon File Fanatic, behind me strikes up a conversation as she sorts through her, I kid you not, HUGE File Folder of coupons....yeah, pretty impressive and intimidating to a coupon virgin.

The cashier says "$455.32 please" (well, maybe that is an exaggeration, but who can get out of Wal*Mart anymore without spending $150!?!?!??!....seriously) I say, "Oh, I have a coupon to use".

Dead give away that I am a coupon virgin.....You don't tell the cashier you have a coupon, you just simply hand her the coupon.....or coupons if you are Mrs. Coupon File Fanatic...I digress....

The cashier takes my coupon and I refrain from screaming in excitement....I mean, even though I spent $150...I saved $7.00....yeah.....take that Wal*Mart!!!

I get home....put my stuff away and decide to look at the receipt just for the pleasure of seeing the - $7.00 at the bottom....only to find that the cashier didn't scan the coupon....yeah, nowhere on the receipt is there a - $7.00.


My heart sinks. Anger, frustration and rage begin to well up and I decide not to succumb to coupon rage....I crank up some worship music, thank God that I remembered to buy a candy bar and vow to NEVER clip another coupon in my life. In fact, I may start a new support group for people like me who have coupon rage....Would you join?


Monica said...

Okay - after I just now stopped laughing hysterically I have decided to join your group!! My biggest peeve is when the store doesn't have what you have the coupon for - the store that gave you the coupon!!! AHHHHH!

I needed that laughter today!

Erin K said...

I most definitely have coupon rage. You can just ask Jed, but mine is from forgetting the coupon at home and not realizing it until checking out. Really not cool when the coupon is $30 off $75 purchase!

Erin K said...

Glad to know I'm not the only one!

Jen Stutzman said...

I feel ya girl! I wish I used coupons, I am just not organized enough.

Fisher Family said... crack me up I am totally joining. Kevin gave me a huge lecture about how I should clip coupons so the other night with a whole envelope of coupons in hand I went to the grocery store. It was worse than shopping with my 4 kids. I had to stop with each item i bought to see if I had a coupon for it. Then I started to make a pile of the ones I was going to use and they kept slipping and falling everywhere then I thought one was a good deal but instead of buying one can of pringles you have to buy 5to even use it. I don't need 5 cans of pringles. Then when I finally got up to check out I had to pull the coupons I was using out of my pocket because that's where i decided they would stay without falling and they were all crinkled up. the checkout lady looked at me with disgust and on my $160.00 bill I only saved $4.70. I thought to myself ITS NOT WORTH IT...